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Mary Vensel White The Qualities of Wood
Michael C. White The Garden of Martyrs
Randy Wayne White Black Widow
Stephen White The Best Revenge
Stephen White Blinded
Stephen White Compound Fractures
Stephen White Kill Me
Stephen White The Last Lie
Stephen White Line of Fire: Alan Gregory
Stephen White Missing Persons
Stephen White The Siege
Tina Whittle Blood, Ash, and Bone
Tina Whittle The Dangerous Edge of Things
Tina Whittle Darker Than Any Shadow: A Tai Randall Mystery
Tina Whittle Deeper Than the Grave: A Tai Randolph Mystery
Tina Whittle Reckoning and Ruin: A Tai Randolph Mystery
Sam Wiebe Invisible Dead: A Wakeland Novel
Lis Wiehl & Sebastian Stuart The Candidate: A Newsmakers Novel
Lis Wiehl & April Henry Face of Betrayal: A Triple Threat Novel
Lis Wiehl The Newsmakers