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John Connolly Every Dead Thing
John Connolly The White Road
Sheila Connolly Murder at the Mansion: A Victorian Village Mystery
Sheila Connolly Razing the Dead: A Museum Mystery
Sheila Connolly Scandal in Skibbereen: A County Cork Mystery
Rose Connors Absolute Certainty
Rose Connors Temporary Sanity
Liv Constantine The Last Mrs. Parrish
Liv Constantine The Stranger in the Mirror
Liv Constantine The Wife Stalker
Cate Conte Gone but Not Furgotten: Cat Cafe #6
Cate Conte Purrder She Wrote: A Cat Café Mystery
Cate Conte The Tell Tail Heart: A Cat Cafe Mystery
James Conway The Last Trade: The Truth is in the Numbers
Martha Conway 12 Bliss Street
Matt Cook Sabotage
Robin Cook Shock
Thomas H. Cook Red Leaves
Carolyn Jess Cooke The Boy Who Could See Demons
M. P. Cooley Flame Out
M. P. Cooley Ice Shear