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James Rollins Altar of Eden
James Rollins Black Order
James Rollins & Rebecca Cantrell The Blood Gospel: The Order of the Sanguines
James Rollins Bloodline: A SIGMA Force Novel
James Rollins The Devil Colony: A Sigma Force Novel
James Rollins The Doomsday Key
James Rollins The Eye of God: A Sigma Force Novel
James Rollins Ice Hunt
James Rollins The Judas Strain
James Rollins & Grant Blackwood The Kill Switch: A Tucker Wayne Novel
James Rollins & Grant Blackwood War Hawk: A Tucker Wayne Novel
Anthony Rolls Family Matters
Stephen Romano Resurrection Express
Santiago Roncagliolo Red April
Elliott Roosevelt Murder in the Lincoln Bedroom
Karen Rose Have You Seen Her?
Karen Rose Nothing to Fear
M. J. Rose The Hypnotist
M. J. Rose The Reincarnationist
M. J. Rose Seduction