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Susan Sloan Act of God
Jeffrey Small The Breath of God: A Novel of Suspense
Patricia Smiley Cover Your Assets
Patricia Smiley False Profits
Patricia Smiley The Second Goodbye: A Pacific Homicide Novel
Alexander McCall Smith The Careful Use of Compliments
Alexander McCall Smith The Charming Quirks of Others: An Isabel Dalhousie Novel
Alexander McCall Smith The Comforts of a Muddy Saturday: An Isabel Dalhousie Novel
Alexander McCall Smith The Double Comfort Safari Club: No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
Alexander McCall Smith Friends, Lovers, Chocolate: The Sunday Philosophy Club
Alexander McCall Smith The Full Cupboard of Life
Alexander McCall Smith The Good Husband of Zebra Drive: The New Novel in the No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency Series
Alexander McCall Smith In the Company of Cheerful Ladies: No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency
Alexander McCall Smith The Kalahari Typing School for Men
Alexander McCall Smith The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection
Alexander McCall Smith The Lost Art of Gratitude
Alexander McCall Smith The Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon: No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
Alexander McCall Smith The Miracle at Speedy Motors: The New Novel in the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency Series
Alexander McCall Smith Morality for Beautiful Girls
Alexander McCall Smith The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
Alexander McCall Smith The Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party
Alexander McCall Smith The Sunday Philosophy Club: An Isabel Dalhousie Mystery
Alexander McCall Smith Tea Time for the Traditionally Built
Alexander McCall Smith Tears of the Giraffe: More from the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency