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Margaret Coel Blood Memory
Margaret Coel The Drowning Man
Margaret Coel Eye of the Wolf
Margaret Coel The Girl with Braided Hair
Margaret Coel Killing Custer: A Wind River Mystery
Margaret Coel Night of the White Buffalo: A Wind River Mystery
Margaret Coel The Silent Spirit: A Wind River Reservation Mystery
Margaret Coel Wife of Moon
Paulo Coelho The Winner Stands Alone
Ben Coes The Island: Dewey Andreas #9
Bruce Robert Coffin Among the Shadows: A Detective Byron Mystery
Mark Cohen Bluetick Revenge
Mark Cohen The Fractal Murders: A Pepper Keane Mystery
Allan Cole Drowned Hopes
Allan Cole Dying Good
Daniel Cole Hangman
Daniel Cole Ragdoll
Martina Cole Close
Sam Cole Cape Greed
Reed Farrel Coleman Hurt Machine
Reed Farrel Coleman Robert B. Parker's Debt to Pay: A Jesse Stone Novel
Reed Farrel Coleman Where It Hurts: A Gus Murphy Novel