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Kathleen Anne Barrett Milwaukee Summers Can Be Deadly
James Barretto Mystic Wind: Jack Marino #1
Christy Barritt Hazardous Duty
Stephanie Barron Jane and the Canterbury Tale: Being A Jane Austen Mystery
Stephanie Barron Jane and the Madness of Lord Byron: Being A Jane Austen Mystery
Stephanie Barron Jane and the Stillroom Maid
Stephanie Barron Jane and the Twelve Days of Christmas
Stephanie Barron Jane and the Waterloo Map: Being a Jane Austen Mystery
Brunonia Barry The Lace Reader
Jessica Barry Don't Turn Around
Jessica Barry Freefall
Beverly Barton As Good as Dead
Jefferson Bass The Bone Yard: A Body Farm Novel
Jefferson Bass Bones of Betrayal: A Body Farm Novel
Jefferson Bass The Breaking Point
Jefferson Bass Carved in Bone
Jefferson Bass Cut to the Bone
Jefferson Bass The Devil's Bones: A Body Farm Novel
Jefferson Bass The Inquisitor's Key: A Body Farm Novel
Jefferson Bass Without Mercy: A Body Farm Novel