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Paul Clemens Punching Out: One Year In a Closing Auto Plant
Jonathan Clements Zen Haiku
Caroline Clifton-Mogg The Bedroom Book
Caroline Clifton-Mogg Decorating with China and Glass
Caroline Clifton-Mogg A Passion for Collecting: Decorating with your Favorite Objects
Stephen Co & Eric B. Robins The Power of Prana: Breathe Your Way to Health and Vitality
Chey Cobb Network Security for Dummies: A Reference for the Rest of Us!
William Coburn The Spanking Room: A Child's Eye View of the Jehovah Witnesses
Kendall Coffey Spinning the Law: Trying Cases in the Court of Public Opinion
Philip Coggan Paper Promises: Debt, Money and the New World Order
Amy Cohen The Late Bloomer's Revolution: A Memoir
Lewis M. Cohen No Good Deed
Tony Cointreau Ethel Merman, Mother Teresa...and Me
Tony Cointreau A Gift of Love
Allan Cole Lucky in Cyprus
Allan Cole My Hollywood MisAdventures
Terry Coleman Olivier: the authorized biography
Linda Colley The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh: A Woman in World History
Simon Collin Dictionary of Science and Technology: Second Edition
Andrew Collins Gateway to Atlantis