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Andrew Scott Cooper The Fall of Heaven: The Pahlavis and the Final Days of Imperial Iran
Gwen Cooper Homer's Odyssey
Sue Ellen Cooper The Red Hat Society: Fun and Friendship After Fifty
Sue Ellen Cooper The Red Hat SocietyŽ's Laugh Lines: Stories of Inspiration and Hattitude
Suzanne Fagence Cooper Effie
Thomas W. Cooper Fast Media, Media Fast
Sarah Copeland & Sara Remington The Newlywed Cookbook
Rob Coppolillo Holy Spokes!: A Biking Bible for Everyone
Roger Corder The Red Wine Diet
Eric Corey & Kevin Daum Green $ense For the Home: How to Pay for and Profit from 50 Green Home Projects
Bernard Cornwell & Suzanne Pollak Uhtred's Feast: Inside the World of The Last Kingdom
Bernard Cornwell Waterloo: The History of Four Days, Three Armies, and Three Battles
Patricia Cornwell Portrait of a Killer: Jack the Ripper, Case Closed
Bill Cosby Cosbyology
Bill Cosby I Am What I Ate ... and I'm frightened!!!: And Other Digressions from the Doctor of Comedy
Bill Cosby I Didn't Ask To Be Born
Charles Costanzo, Paul Janovsky & David Schmidt The Twelve Gifts in Marriage
Bruce R. Coston Ask the Animals: A Vet's-Eye View of Pets and the People They Love
June Cotner Christmas Blessings: Prayers and Poems to Celebrate the Season
Martha Cotton Dinner Dates: A Cookbook for Couples Cooking Together