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David Brock, Ari Rabin-Havt & Media Matters for America The Fox Effect: How Roger Ailes Turned a Network into a Propaganda Machine
Max Brockman What's Next?: Dispatches on the Future of Science
Colin Broderick That's That: A Memoir
Laura Brodie Love in a Time of Homeschooling: A Mother and Daughter's Uncommon Year
Po Bronson What Should I Do With My Life?
John Brookes John Brookes' Well-Designed Garden: Stylish Solutions for Every Outdoor Space
Julie Haas Brophy Sh*t My Kids Ruined: An A-Z Celebration of Kid-Destruction
Jerry Brotton A History of the World in 12 Maps
Philip Delves Broughton How to Think Like an Entrepreneur: The School of Life
Azby Brown The Very Small Home: Japanese Ideas For Living Well In Limited Space
Bobbi Brown Bobbi Brown Living Beauty
Celia Brooks Brown World Vegetarian Classics
Daniel James Brown Facing the Mountain: A True Story of Japanese American Heroes in World War II
Ellen Brown $3 Meals Soups & Stews
Frederick Brown Flaubert: A Biography
Katie Brown Katie Brown's Weekends: Making the Most of Your Two Treasured Days
Pat Brown & Bob Andelman The Profiler: My Life Hunting Serial Killers and Psychopaths
Paul Brown & Gerd Leipold Global Warning: The Last Chance for Change
Richard P. Brown, Patricia L. Gerbarg & Barbara Graham The Rhodiola Revolution
Rita Mae Brown Animal Magnetism: My Life with Creatures Great and Small