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Michael Psilakis & Barbara Kafka How to Roast a Lamb: New Greek Classic Cooking
Alona Pulde & Matthew Lederman The Forks Over Knives Plan
Lilly Pulitzer & Jay Mulvaney Essentially Lilly 2005 Social Butterfly Engagement Calendar
Mark Puls Samuel Adams: Father of the American Revolution
Fred Pushies MARSOC: U.S. Marine Corps Special Operations Command
David Quammen Natural Acts: A Sidelong View of Science and Nature
Jeffrey Quilter Treasures of the Andes: The Glories of Inca and Pre-Columbian South America
Tom Quinn Science's Strangest Inventions
Steve Rabey, Lois Rabey & J. Stephen Lang 101 Most Powerful Proverbs in the Bible
Steve Rabey & Lois Rabey 101 Most Powerful Verses in the Bible
Judith Ruskay Rabinor The Girl in the Red Boots: Making Peace with My Mother
Peter V. Rabins & Lynn Lauber Getting Old Without Getting Anxious
Gwinevere Rain Confessions of a Teenage Witch: Celebrating the Wiccan Life
Ellen Rakieten & Anne Coyle Undateable
Ann Ralph Grow a Little Fruit Tree
Bill Rancic You're Hired
Matthew Randazzo IV Ring of Hell
Clotaire Rapaille The Culture Code
Michelle Rapkin Any Day With Hair is a Good Hair Day
Mickey Rapkin Pitch Perfect: The Quest for Collegiate A Cappella Glory