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Thomas Cahill Mysteries of the Middle Ages: Hinges of History
Thomas Cahill Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea: Why the Greeks Matter
Chelsea Cain & Marc Mohan Does This Cape Make Me Look Fat?: Pop Psychology for Superheroes
Susan Cain Quiet: The Power of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking
Chris Caldicott & Carolyn Caldicott World Food Café 2: Easy Vegetarian Food from Around the Globe
Carmen Callil Bad Faith: A Forgotten History of Family, Fatherland and Vichy France
Simon Callow Charles Dickens and the Great Theatre of the World
Barbara Cameron A Full House of Growing Pains: A Hollywood Mother's Journey
Dick Camp Battle for the City of the Dead: In the Shadow of the Golden Dome, Najaf, August 2004
Dick Camp Operation Phantom Fury: The Assault and Capture of Fallujah, Iraq
Hayley Campbell The Art of Neil Gaiman
Ross Campbell & Rob Suggs Help Your Twenty-Something Get a Life ... And Get It Now: A Guide for Parents
Canadian Living Test Kitchen Canadian Living Best Recipes Ever
Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Debra Halperin Poneman Chicken Soup for the American Idol Soul
Michael Canfield Field Notes on Science & Nature
Norman F. Cantor Alexander the Great: Journey to the End of the Earth
Norman F. Cantor The Last Knight
Lan Cao & Harlan Margaret Van Cao Family in Six Tones: A Refugee Mother, an American Daughter
Michael Capuzzo The Murder Room
Sue Carabine A Teacher's 12 Days of Christmas