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Jo-Anne Christensen Victorian Ghost Stories
Agatha Christie Agatha Christie: An Autobiography
Agatha Christie Murder She Said: The Quotable Miss Marple
Mia Christou, Scott Lobdell & John Nee Mixtionary: Mixed-up modern words for the mixed-up modern world
Chronicle Catnip: Artful Felines From The Metropolitan Museum Of Art
Chronicle Books The Artful Dog: Canines from The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ivana Chubbuck The Power Of The Actor: The Chubbuck Technique
Winston S. Churchill Never Give In!: The Best of Winston Churchill's Speeches
Eric Clapton Clapton: the Autobiography
Laura Claridge Norman Rockwell: A Life
Emma Clark The Art of the Islamic Garden
Melissa Clark Cook This Now: 120 Easy and Delectable Dishes You Can't Wait to Make
Ron Clark The End of Molasses Classes
Ron Clark The Essential 55
Ron Clark The Excellent 11
Roy Peter Clark Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer
Taylor Clark Starbucked: A Double Tall Tale of Caffeine, Commerce, and Culture
Michael Clarkson Intelligent Fear: How to Make Fear Work for You
Michael Clarkson Quick Fixes for Everyday Fears
David A. Clary Adopted Son