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Karen Armstrong The Case for God
Karen Armstrong Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life
Hugo Arnold & Georgia Glynn Smith Barbecues and Other Outdoor Feasts
Michael Arnzen Dying: (with no apologies to Martha Stewart)
Louise Aronson Elderhood: Redefining Aging, Transforming Medicine, Reimagining Life
Sarah Arthur Walking With Frodo: A Devotional Journey through The Lord of the Rings
Yann Arthus-Bertrand Earth from Above: 365 Days
Ruth Ashby & Ernie Colon The Great American Documents: Volume II: 1831 - 1900
Stephanie Ashcraft & Donna Kelly 101 Things to do with a Tortilla
Janet Jeppson Asimov Isaac Asimov: It's Been a Good Life
Reza Aslan No god but God
Dale Atkins I'm OK, You're My Parents
Nava Atlas The Vegetarian Family Cookbook
Judith Attfield The I of God: From Chaos to Creation
Michelle Au This Won't Hurt a Bit (and other white lies): My Education in Medicine and Motherhood
Geno Auriemma & Jackie MacMullan Geno: In Pursuit of Perfection
Paul Auster Report From the Interior
Reid Stewart Austin Alberto Vargas: Works from the Max Vargas Collection
Stuart Avery Gold The Way of Ping
Adrienne Avila & Leslie Pockell Only the Best/Solo Lo Mejor