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Meera Lee Patel Daily Zen Doodles
Lawrence Paterson Black Flag: The Surrender of Germany's U-Boat Forces
Mark Patinkin Up and Running
James Patterson & Martin Dugard The Murder of King Tut: The Plot to Kill the Child King - A Nonfiction Thriller
William H. Patterson, Jr. Robert A. Heinlein: Volume 1 - Learning Curve 1907-1948
Ray Paulick Sunday Silence: Racing's Hard Luck Hero
Miriam Pawel The Union of Their Dreams
John Peacock The Tibetan Way of Life, Death and Rebirth: The Illustrated Guide to Tibetan Wisdom
Jeff Pearce Canada vs United States: How Canada is So Much Better than America
Eve Pearl Plastic Surgery Without the Surgery: The Miracle of Makeup Techniques
Mariane Pearl & Sarah Crichton A Mighty Heart: The Brave Life and Death of My Husband Danny Pearl
Will Pearson, Mangesh Hattikudur & Elizabeth Hunt Condensed Knowledge: mental-floss presents
Cheryl Peck Fat Girls and Lawn Chairs
Cheryl Peck Revenge of the Paste Eaters: Memoirs of a Misfit
Pam Peeke Body for Life for Women: A Woman's Plan for Physical and Mental Transformation
Scott Peeples The Afterlife of Edgar Allan Poe
Harvey Pekar, Gary Dumm & Pual Buhle Students for a Democratic Society: A Graphic History
Dave Pelzer Moving Forward: Taking the Lead in Your Life
Richard B. Pelzer A Brother's Journey: Surviving a Childhood of Abuse
Ty Pennington Ty's Tricks