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Manny Howard FoodSmarts
Alan Huffman & Michael Rejebian We're With Nobody: Two Insiders Reveal the Dark Side of American Politics
Felicity Huffman & Patricia Wolff A Practical Handbook for the Boyfriend
Bill Hume Weather of Alberta
Edward Humes Eco Barons
Edward Humes Garbology: Our Dirty Love Affair With Trash
Edward Humes School of Dreams: Making the Grade at a Top American High School
Jackson Hunsicker Turning Heads: Portraits of Grace, Inspiration, and Possibilities
Mark S. Husson Mark's Power Peek 2007: A Daily Astrological Companion
David Hutchings & Richard de Kerbrech RMS Titanic
Mara Hvistendahl Unnatural Selection
Louis Hyman Borrow: The American Way of Debt
Christopher Idone & Kathryn Kleinman Lemons: A Country Garden Cookbook
Steve Ilg Total Body Transformation
Imagineers & Melody Malmberg Walt Disney Imagineering: A Behind-the-Dreams Look at Making More Magic Real
Daniel Imhoff CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation): The Tragedy of Industrial Animal Factories
Daniel Imhoff Food Fight: The Citizen's Guide to the NEXT Food and Farm Bill
Kuniaki Imoto The Seitai Method
Chris Impey The Living Cosmos: Our Search for Life in the Universe
Sandra Ingerman Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide