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Cody Lundin When All Hell Breaks Loose
Frank Luntz Words That Work: It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear
Suzanne Lussier Art Deco Fashion
Steve Luxenberg Annie's Ghosts: A Journey Into a Family Secret
Jack Lynch Samuel Johnson's Insults
Mike Lynch Pennsylvania Starwatch: The Essential Guide to Our Night Sky
Peter Maas Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil
Donald Maass The Breakout Novelist: Craft and Strategies for Career Fiction Writers
Wangari Maathai The Challenge for Africa
Toby Mac & Michael Tait Under God
Barry MacDonald Boy Smarts: Mentoring Boys for Success at School
Gordon MacDonald Who Stole My Church?
Frances MacDougall Southern Accents on Color
Roy MacGregor Northern Light
Ben MacIntyre & John Skewes Double Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spies
Ben MacIntyre The Englishman's Daughter
Kim MacQuarrie The Last Days of the Incas
Mark W. MacWilliams Japanese Visual Culture: Explorations in the World of Manga and Anime
Rachel Maddow Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power
Deborah Madison Vegetarian Suppers from Deborah Madison's Kitchen