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Marlies Bugmann Swiss Tradition in Black and White
Cynthia Bulik & Nadine Taylor Runaway Eating: The 8-Point Plan to Conquer Adult Food and Weight Obsessions
Kelly Bulkeley & Patricia Bulkley Dreaming Beyond Death: A Guide to Pre-Death Dreams and Visions
Stephen Bull Special Ops, 1939-1945: A Manual of Covert Warfare and Training
Sonja Bullaty, Angelo Lomeo & Paul Goldberger The World Trade Center Remembered
Stephen Bungay The Most Dangerous Enemy: An Illustrated History of the Battle of Britain
Nina Bunjevac Fatherland: A Family History
James Burge Heloise & Abelard: A New Biography
Danielle Burgio & Jennifer Worick The Stuntwoman's Workout: Get Your Body Ready for Anything
Monte Burke 4th & Goal: One Man's Quest to Recapture His Dream
Lloyd Burlingame Sets, Lights, & Lunacy: A Stage Designer's Adventures on Broadway and in Opera
Christis Burnett Time to Create: Hands-On Explorations in Process Art for Young Children
Jim Burns Creating an Intimate Marriage: Rekindle Romance Through Affection, Warmth and Encouragement
Judy Burris & Wayne Richards The Secret Lives of Backyard Bugs
Marian Burros Cooking for Comfort
Augusten Burroughs Dry: A Memoir
Augusten Burroughs Running with Scissors
Laura Bush Spoken from the Heart
David Byrne & Maira Kalman American Utopia
Biba Caggiano Italy al Dente: Pasta, Risotto, Gnocchi, Polenta, Soup