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Richard Alan Krieger Civilization's Quotations: Life's Ideal
Ken Krimstein When I Grow Up: The Lost Autobiographies of Six Yiddish Teenagers
Frances Kuffel Passing for Thin: Losing Half My Weight and Finding My Self
Jon Kukla Mr. Jefferson's Women
Nicholas Kulish & Souad Mekhennet The Eternal Nazi
Lance Kurke The Wisdom of Alexander the Great: Enduring Leadership Lessons From The Man Who Created An Empire
Mark Kurlansky The Big Oyster: History on the Half Shell
Mark Kurlansky The Food of a Younger Land
Kyle Kurpinski & Terry D. Johnson How to Defeat Your Own Clone: And Other Tips for Surviving the Biotech Revolution
Ray Kurzweil & Terry Grossman Fantastic Voyage: The Science Behind Radical Life Extension
Josh Kushins The Art of John Carter: A Visual Journey
Kwasi Kwarteng Ghosts of Empire: Britain's Legacies in the Modern World
Ralph Kylloe Rustic Fireplaces
Patti LaBelle & Laura Randolph Lancaster Patti's Pearls: Lessons in Living Genuinely, Joyfully, Generously
James Lacey The First Clash
Robert Lacey Great Tales from English History: Vol. 2
Robert Lacey Great Tales from English History, Volume 3
Emeril Lagasse Emeril's Delmonico: A Restaurant with a Past
Emeril Lagasse Emeril's Potluck: Comfort Food with a Kicked-Up Attitude
Robert G Lahita Women and Autoimmune Disease: The Mysterious Ways Your Body Betrays Itself