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Susan Russo The Encyclopedia of Sandwiches
Donald P. Ryan Beneath the Sands of Egypt: Adventures of an Unconventional Archaeologist
M. J. Ryan This Year I Will ...
James J. Rybacki The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs 2005: Everything You Need To Know For Safe Drug Use
Lori Ryker Off The Grid: Modern Homes + Alternative Energy
Colleen A. Sabatino The Play of Your Life
Larry J. Sabato The Kennedy Half-Century
Oliver Sacks The Mind's Eye
Jeanne Safer Golden Condom
Carl Safina A Sea In Flames
William Safire Let A Simile Be Your Umbrella
Dorion Sagan Notes from the Holocene: A Brief History of the Future
Dorianne Sager Baby is a Four-Letter Word: Surviving the First Two Years of Parenthood
Allen Salkin Festivus
James Salter & Kay Salter Life is Meals: A Food Lover's Book of Days
Julia Samuel Grief Works
Carl Sandburg Carl Sandburg: Selected Poems
Lisa Sanders The Perfect Fit Diet
Leslie Sansone The Essential Walker's Journal
Leslie Sansone Leslie Sansone's Eat Smart, Walk Strong: The Secrets to Effortless Weight Loss
Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds
Leslie Sansone Walking the Walk: Getting Fit with Faith