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Wayne Pacelle The Bond: Our Kinship with Animals, Our Call to Defend Them
Karen Page, Andrew Dornenburg & Barry Salzman The Flavor Bible
Joel Palefsky & Jody Handley What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About HPVand Abnormal Pap Smears
Tim Palin & Alfred Giuliani A Disney Sketchbook
Jim Palmer Divine Nobodies
Jim Palmer Wide Open Spaces: Beyond Paint-by-Number Christianity
Michael Palmer The German Wars: A Concise History, 1859-1945
Rafael Palomino, Arlen Gargagliano & Anastassios Mentis Fiesta Latina:Fabulous Food for Sizzling Parties
Gwyneth Paltrow My Father's Daughter: Delicious, Easy Recipes Celebrating Family and Togetherness
Camellia Panjabi 50 Great Curries of India: 10th Anniverary Edition
Harry Papas Slimmer: The New Mediterranean Way to Lose Weight
Lou Seibert Pappas Coffee Cakes: Simple, Sweet and Savory
Lin Pardey Bull Canyon: A Boatbuilder, a Writer and Other Wildlife
Hema Parekh The Asian Vegan Kitchen
Marc Parent Believing It All: Lessons I Learned from My Children
Sara Paretsky Writing in an Age of Silence
Jay Parini Promised Land: Thirteen Books That Changed America
James Robert Parish The Hollywood Book of Breakups
Matthew Parker Panama Fever: The Epic Story of the Building of the Panama Canal
Judy Parkinson i before e (except after c): Old-School Ways to Remember Stuff
Judy Parkinson Spilling the Beans on the Cat's Pyjamas: Popular Expressions - and How We Got Them