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Everett M. Barber Jr. & Joseph R. Provey Convert Your Home to Solar Energy
Elizabeth Wayland Barber Women's Work: The First 20,000 Years
Kimiko Barber The Japanese Kitchen
Kimiko Barber Japanese Pure and Simple: over 100 health-giving recipes
Thomas Barden Steinbeck in Vietnam: Dispatches from the War
Juliet Barker Agincourt: Henry V and the Battle That Made England
Juliet Barker Wordsworth: A Life
Coleman Barks & John Moyne The Drowned Book
Donald Barlett & James Steele The Betrayal of the American Dream
Karen Barnaby The Low-Carb Gourmet: 250 Delicious and Satisfying Recipes
Melanie Barnard Ready, Set, Dough!: Incredibly Easy and Delicious Ways to Use Store-Bought Doughs
Julian Barnes Nothing to be Frightened Of
Julie Barnhill One Tough Mother: Its Time to Step Up and Be the Mom
Luke Barr Provence, 1970
Gina Barreca It's Not That I'm Bitter ...
Deirdre Barrett Supernormal Stimuli: How Primal Urges Overran Their Revolutionary Purpose
Judith Barrett & Melanie Acevedo Saved by Soup
Steve Barry Railroad Rolling Stock
John Bartlett & Justin Kaplan Bartlett's Familiar Quotations: Seventeenth Edition
Halima Bashir Tears of the Desert: A Memoir of Survival in Darfur