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William Powers Hamlet's BlackBerry
Chandra Prasad Outwitting the Job Market: Everything You Need to Locate and Land a Great Position
Terry Pratchett A Slip of the Keyboard
Terry Pratchett & Gray Jolliffe The Unadulterated Cat
Wanda Pratnicka Possessed By Ghosts: Exorcisms in the 21 Century
Steven Pratt & Kathy Matthews SuperFoods Rx: Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life
Ian Prattis Shattered Earth: Approaching Extinction
Shannon Pratt-Phillips Understanding Your Horse's Weight
Sharon Prentice Becoming Starlight: A Shared Death Journey from Darkness to Light
Steven Pressfield The War of Art
Richard Preston Panic in Level 4
Prevention Editors & Ann Fittante Prevention's The Sugar Solution
Robert Pripps & Andrew Morland Farm Tractor: The History of the Tractor
Jim Pritchard & Sharon Lindenburger The Warrior Mind
Charlene M. Proctor Let Your Goddess Grow!: 7 Spiritual Lessons on Female Power and Positive Thinking
William Proctor The Light Speed Bible
Gerald J. Prokopowicz Did Lincoln Own Slaves?: And Other Frequently Asked Questions about Abraham Lincoln
Francine Prose Anne Frank: The Book, The Life, The Afterlife
Francine Prose Reading Like a Writer
Stephen Prothero Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know - and Doesn't