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Martin Carver The Age of Sutton Hoo: The Seventh Century in North-Western Europe
Penelope Casas La Cocina de Mama: The Great Home Cooking of Spain
Giampaolo Casati Alexander the Great: The Conqueror
Andy Case & Andrew Perris Beautiful Pigs: Portraits of Fine Breeds
Susan Casey The Wave: In Pursuit of the Rogues, Freaks, and Giants of the Ocean
Dana Caspersen Changing the Conversation: The 17 Principles of Conflict Resolution
John Cassidy dot.con: The Greatest Story Ever Sold
Krystina Castella A World of Cake: 150 Recipes for Sweet Traditions from Cultures Near and Far
Michael Castleman Great Sex: A Man's Guide to the Secret Principles of Total-Body Sex
Thomas Cathcart & Daniel Klein Aristotle and an Aardvark Go to Washington
Thomas Cathcart & Daniel Klein Plato and a Platypus Walk Into A Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes
Nigel Cawthorne The Immortals: History's Fighting Elites
Paul Celucci Unquiet Diplomacy: Revised and Updated
Zev Chafets Cooperstown Confidential
Lisa Chaney Hide-and-Seek with Angels: A Life of J. M. Barrie
Jung Chang & Jon Halliday Mao: The Unknown Story
Duane Chapman You Can Run But You Can't Hide
Susannah Charleson Scent of the Missing: Love and Partnership with a Search-and-Rescue Dog
Noah Charney Stealing the Mystic Lamb: The True Story of the World's Most Coveted Masterpiece
Susan Cheever American Bloomsbury