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Erik Larson The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America
Erik Larson Thunderstruck
Miss Lasko-Gross Escape from 'Special'
Silken Laumann Child's Play: Rediscovering the Joy of Play in Our Families and Communities
Jillian Lauren Some Girls: My Life in a Harem
Mark Lauren & Joshua Clark You Are Your Own Gym: The Bible of Bodyweight Exercises
Nigella Lawson Forever Summer
Nigella Lawson Nigella Bites
Georgina Lawton Raceless
Stephen Le 100 Million Years of Food
Norman S. Leach Canadian Peacekeepers: Ten Stories of Valour in War-Torn Countries
Daniel Leader Simply Great Breads
Anna Leahy & Douglas R. Dechow Generation Space: A Love Story
John Leake Entering Hades: The Double Life of a Serial Killer
Adam Lebor Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World
Gretchen LeBuhn & Noel Badges Pugh The Common Bees of California: Including Bees of the Western United States
James Ledbetter Starving to Death on $200 Million: The Short, Absurd Life of The Industry Standard
Richard Lederer Get Thee to a Punnery: An Anthology of Intentional Assaults Upon the English Language
Richard Lederer Have Yourself a Punny Little Christmas: Word Play for the Holidays
Richard Lederer Puns Spooken Here: Word Play for Halloween