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Avram Davidson Adventures in Unhistory
Diane Mott Davidson Goldy's Kitchen Cookbook: Cooking, Writing, Family, Life
Ian Davidson Voltaire in Exile
Willie G. Davidson 100 Years of Harley-Davidson
Burke Davis The Civil War: Strange and Fascinating Facts
Devra Davis The Secret History of the War on Cancer
Jacquieline Davis The Circuit
James C. Davis The Human Story
Jim Davis 30 Years of Laughs & Lasagna: The Life & Times of a Fat, Furry Legend!
Jim Davis Garfield Minus Garfield
Jodie Davis & Jayne Davis Mini Quilts: Fresh, Fun Patterns to Quilt in a Snap
Kenneth C. Davis A Nation Rising
Michael Davis, Robert Sommer & John Menge Field Guide to Mushrooms of Western North America
Wes Davis The Ariadne Objective: The Underground War to Rescue Crete from the Nazis
Richard Dawkins The God Delusion
Richard Dawkins The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing
Donna Dawson & Laura Peters Best Garden Plants for Alberta
Donna Dawson & Laura Peters Perennials for Alberta
Sonia Day The Urban Gardener
Alain de Botton The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work