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David S. Kidder & Noah D. Oppenheim The Intellectual Devotional
Denise Kiernan The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women Who Helped Win World War II
Edwin Kiester Jr. Before They Changed the World
Johanne Killeen & George Germon On Top of Spaghetti: ... Macaroni, Linguine, Penne, and Pasta of Every Kind
Brian Kilmeade & Don Yaeger George Washington's Secret Six: The Spy Ring That Saved the American Revolution
Josh Kilmer-Purcell The Bucolic Plague
Haven Kimmel She Got Up Off the Couch: And Other Heroic Acts from Mooreland,
B. B. King & Dick Waterman The B. B. King Treasures: Photos, Mementos, & Music from B. B. King's Collection
David King Death in the City of Light: The Serial Killer of Nazi-Occupied Paris
Larry King Truth Be Told
Stephen King Stephen King On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
Brenda Kinsel Brenda Kinsel's Fashion Makeover: 30 Days to Diva Style!
Stephen Kinzer Crescent & Star: Turkey Between Two Worlds
Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling: The Complete Verse
Patty Kirk Confessions of an Amateur Believer
Richard Kirkland MASH Angels: Tales of an Air-Evac Helicopter Pilot in the Korean War
Jane Kirkpatrick One Glorious Ambition: The Compassionate Crusade of Dorothea Dix
Marina Dutzmann Kirsch Flight of Remembrance: A World War II Memoir of Love and Survival
Melissa Kirsch The Girl's Guide To Absolutely Everything
Sheril Kirshenbaum The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us