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Joanne Weir Cooking in the City
Kenneth Weisbrode Churchill and The King
Jamie Weisman As I Live and Breathe: Notes of a Patient-Doctor
Roanne Weisman & Brian Berman Own Your Health: Choosing the Best from Alternative & Conventional Medicine
Michael J. Weiss, Sheldon H. Wagner & Susan Goldberg Drawing the Line
Michael Weisskopf Blood Brothers: Among the Soldiers of Ward 57
Stephen Weissman Chaplin: A Life
Colin Wells Sailing from Byzantium: How a Lost Empire Shaped the World
Jonathan Wells Third Rail: The Poetry of Rock and Roll
Linda Wells Allure: Confessions of a Beauty Editor
Patricia Wells The Provence Cookbook
Peter S. Wells Barbarians to Angels: The Dark Ages Reconsidered
Stanley Wells Shakespeare & Co.
Eileen Welsome The General and The Jaguar
Jann Wenner & Joe Levy The Rolling Stones Interviews
Dave Wentz, Myron Wentz & Donna K. Wallace The Healthy Home
Julia Wertz I Saw You ...: Comics Inspired by Real-Life Missed Connections
Chris West A History Of America In Thirty-Six Postage Stamps
Kay West Around The Opry Table: A Feast of Recipes and Stories from the Grand Ole Opry
Gabriel Weston Direct Red: A Surgeon’s View of Her Life-or-Death Profession