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Charles Spencer Killers of the King: The Men Who Dared to Execute Charles I
Irene Spencer Shattered Dreams: My Life as a Polygamist's Wife
Steven Spielberg & Shoah Foundation Testimony: The Legacy of Schindler's List and the USC Shoah Foundation
Marlena Spieler Yummy Potatoes: 65 Downright Delicious Recipes
Bob Spitz The Beatles: The Biography
Splenda & Alison Miksch The Splenda World of Sweetness: Recipes for Homemade Desserts and Delicious Drinks
Joseph A. Springer Inferno
Sally Springer, Jon Reider & Marion Franck Admission Matters
Rick Springfield Late, Late at Night
Allen St. John The Billion Dollar Game
Brian St. Pierre & Karen Greenberg The Wine Tasting Party Kit
Karen Stabiner My Girl: Adventures with a Teen in Training
Staff of the New York Post Headless Body in Topless Bar: The Best Headlines from America's Favorite Newspaper
Les Standiford & Joe Matthews Bringing Adam Home: The Abduction That Changed America
Les Standiford Water to the Angels
Doug Stanton Horse Soldiers
Mike Stanton Unbeaten: Rocky Marciano's Fight for Perfection in a Crooked World
Daniel Stashower The Beautiful Cigar Girl: Mary Rogers, Edgar Allan Poe, and the Invention of Murder
Jack Staub 75 Exciting Vegetables for Your Garden
Kathy Stearman It's not About the Gun: Lessons from My Global Career as a Female FBI Agent