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Marina Koestler Ruben How to Tutor Your Own Child
Gretchen Rubin The Happiness Project
Philip Rubin & Lauren Rubin The Comfort of Apples: Modern Recipes for an Old-fashioned Favorite
Ron Rubin & Stuart Avery Gold Tiger Heart, Tiger Mind: How to Empower Your Dream
Ron Rubin & Stuart Avery Gold Wowisms: Words of Wisdom for Dreamers and Doers
Ron Rubin & Stuart Avery Gold The Zentrepeneur's Idea Log & Workbook
Mark Rubinstein Bedlam's Door: True Tales Of Madness And Hope
Mark Rubinstein Beyond Bedlam's Door: True Tales From The Couch & Courtroom
Allen Rucker Entertaining with the Sopranos
Paul Rudnick I Shudder: And Other Reactions to Life, Death, and New Jersey
Julie Rugg & Lynda Murphy A Book Addict's Treasury
Michael Ruhlman & Donna Turner Ruhlman Ruhlman's Twenty
Mary Jo Rulnick The Frantic Woman's Guide to Feeding Family and Friends: Shopping Lists, Recipes, and Tips for Every Dinner of the Year
Mary Jo Rulnick & Judith Burnett Schneider The Frantic Woman's Guide to Life: A Year's Worth of Hints, Tips, and Tricks
Carolyn D. Runowicz, Sheldon H. Cherry & Dianne Partie Lange The Answer to Cancer
Kevin Rushby Paradise: A History of the Idea That Rules the World
Bobby Rusher How to Line Up Your Fourth Putt
Jan Jarboe Russell The Train to Crystal City
Natalie Ermann Russell New Backyard Idea Book
Alexander Russo Stray Dogs, Saints and Saviors: Fighting for the Soul of America's Toughest High School