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Sandra Crough Memoirs of a Brown-Skin Gyal: A Collection of Short Stories
James Crowley & Sandra Crowley Wabi Sabi Style
Jorge Cruise The 3-Hour Diet: How Low-Carb Diets Make You Fat and Timing Makes You Thin
Jorge Cruise 8 Minutes in the Morning to a Flat Belly
Jorge Cruise 8 Minutes in the Morning to Lean Hips and Thighs
R. Crumb The Book of Genesis Illustrated
Robert Crumb & David Zane Mairowitz Kafka
Billy Crystal 700 Sundays: A Memoir
Richard Crystal Animals in the News
Lisa Takeuchi Cullen Remember Me: A Lively Tour of the New American Way of Death
Brenda Cullerton The Nearly Departed: Or, My Family & Other Foreigners
Jan Cullinane & Cathy Fitzgerald The New Retirement: The Ultimate Guide to The Rest of Your Life
Joseph Cummins The World's Bloodiest History: Massacre, Genocide, and the Scars They Left on Civilization
Barry Cunliffe Europe Between the Oceans: 9000 BC-AD 1000
Yvonne Cunnington Clueless in the Garden: A Guide for the Horticulturally Helpless
Kimberly Panisset Curcio Man of Light: The Extraordinary Healing Life of Mauricio Panisset
John Curran Murder in the Making: Agatha Christie
Elliott Currie The Road to Whatever: Middle-Class Culture and the Crisis of Adolescence
Drew Curtis It's Not News, It's Fark
Kathleen Cushman Fires in the Mind: What Kids Can Tell Us About Motivation and Mastery