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Maryana Vollstedt & Paulette Mitchell The Simple Soups Deck: 50 Easy Recipes for Satisfying Soups
Boris Volodatsky The KGB's Poison Factory: From Lenin to Litvinenko
Joseph Volpe & Charles Michener The Toughest Show on Earth
Anya Von Bremzen The Greatest Dishes!: Around the World in 80 Recipes
Anya Von Bremzen Mastering the Art of Soviet Cooking: A Memoir of Food and Longing
Suzanne von Drachenfels The Art of the Table: A Complete Guide to Table Setting, Table Manners and Tableware
Jean-Georges Vongerichten Home Cooking with Jean-Georges: My Favorite Simple Recipes
Rachel Waddilove Sleep Solutions: Quiet Nights for You and Your Child From Birth to Five Years
Michele Wahlder Alphatudes: The Alphabet of Gratitude
Josh Waitzkin The Art of Learning: A Journey in the Pursuit of Excellence
Jehanne Wake Sisters of Fortune: America's Caton Sisters at Home and Abroad
Kelly Sullivan Walden I Had the Strangest Dream...: The Dreamer's Dictionary for the 21st Century
Kris Waldherr Doomed Queens: Royal Women Who Met Bad Ends, From Cleopatra to Princess Di
Ayelet Waldman Bad Mother
Steven Waldman Founding Faith
Gabrielle Walker An Ocean of Air: Why the Wind Blows and Other Mysteries of the Atmosphere
Lovoni Walker The Essential Canadian Christmas Cookbook
Duncan Wall The Ordinary Acrobat: A Journey Into the Wondrous World of Circus, Past and Present
Elissa Wall & Lisa Pulitzer Stolen Innocence
Kenneth T. Walsh Air Force One: A History of the Presidents and Their Planes