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* * * Dan Simmons The Abominable US Orders
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Review Little, Brown & Co., 2013 (2013) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
In the summer of 1925, 3 climbers seek to learn what happened to Lady Elizabeth Marion Bromley's son, lost during an attempted ascent of Mount Everest a year earlier - the lost son's cousin accompanies them. (TD)

* * * Dan Simmons Drood US Orders
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Review Little, Brown & Co., 2009 (2009) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
A brilliant creation in which Charles Dickens is on the trail of an enigmatic man known simply as Drood(TD)

* * * Dan Simmons Hard Freeze US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt St. Martin's, 2003 (2002) Hardcover, Paperback
In the 2nd of a series, Joe Kurtz, tailed by relentless killers, is also approached by a well known concert pianist whose daughter was murdered decades before and wants the PI to expose the killer. (MB)