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* * * Wilbur Smith & Tom Cain Predator: A Crossbow Novel US Orders
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Review William Morrow, 2016 (2016) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
Ex-SAS warrior and former private security consultant Major Hector Cross's nemesis Johnny Congo has resurfaced along with a deadly new enemy. (MS)

* * John Smolens The Anarchist US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Three Rivers, 2009 (2009) Softcover, e-Book
A fictional account of events surrounding the September 1901 assassination of William McKinley by a passionate and fanatical young anarchist named Leon Czolgosz. (HW)

* * * Alexander Soderberg The Andalucian Friend US Orders
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Review Crown, 2013 (2013) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
Brad Thor dubs it 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo meets The Sopranos.(HW)

* * Beth Solheim Outwitted: A Sadie Witt Mystery US Orders
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Review Echelon Press, 2011 (2011) e-Book
Death coach Sadie Witt is once again helping crossovers(MS)