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Heather Lende Take Good Care of the Garden and the Dogs: Family, Friendships, and Faith in Small-Town Alaska
Erika Lenkert The Real Deal Guide to Pregnancy
Vicki Leon How to Mellify A Corpse: And Other Human Stories of Ancient Science & Superstition
Vicki Leon Uppity Women of Ancient Times
Mark Leong China Obscura
Minna Lessig Tank Top Arms, Bikini Belly, Boy Shorts Bottom: Tighten and Tone Your Body in as Little as 10 Minutes a Day
Steve Leveen The Little Guide to Your Well-Read Life
Larry Levin Oogy: The Dog Only a Family Could Love
Judith Levine Not Buying It: My Year Without Shopping
Harold N. Levinson Smart But Feeling Dumb
Alexandra Levit New Job, New You: A Guide to Reinventing Yourself in a Bright New Career
Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything
Buddy Levy Conquistador
Faye Levy Feast from the Mideast: 250 Sun-Drenched Dishes from the Lands of the Bible
Joel Levy The Little Book of Conspiracies: 50 Reasons to Be Paranoid
Joel Levy Poison: An Illustrated History
Beverly Lewis The Beverly Lewis Amish Heritage Cookbook
Brenda Ralph Lewis The Pirate Code: From Honorable Thieves to Modern-Day Villains
Cecil Lewis Sagittarius Rising
Celia Lewis The Illustrated Guide to Cows