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Guy Norris & Mark Wagner Boeing 787 Dreamliner
John Julius Norwich The Middle Sea: A History of the Mediterranean
Laurie Notaro It Looked Different on the Model: Epic Tales of Impending Shame and Infamy
Stephen Notley Dog Killer: Bob the Angry Flower
Craig Nova Brook Trout and the Writing Life: The Intermingling of Fishing and Writing in a Novelist's Life
Jacqueline Novogratz The Blue Sweater
Joyce Carol Oates The Faith of a Writer: Life, Craft, Art
Joyce Carol Oates A Widow's Story: A Memoir
Robbin Obomsawin The Not So Log Cabin: Log Element Building & Design
Timothy L. O'Brien TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald
Patrick O'Connell & Tim Turner Patrick O'Connell's Refined American Cuisine: The Inn at Little Washington
Robert L. O'Connell The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic
Ian O'Connor The Jump
Jill O'Connor Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey: Desserts for the Serious Sweet Tooth
William O'Connor Stealth Fighter: A Year in the Life of An F-117 Pilot
Margaret A. Odgers The Dressage Rider's Survival Guide: Memoirs of a Struggling Dressage Rider
Rosie O'Donnell Find Me
Nuala O'Faolain Are You Somebody?: The Accidental Memoir of a Dublin Woman
Ellen Ecker Ogden From the Cook's Garden
Guy Ogilvy The Alchemist's Kitchen: Extraordinary Potions & Curious Notions