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Darci Hannah The Exile of Sara Stevenson: A Historical Novel
Sophie Hannah Closed Casket: The New Hercule Poirot Mystery
Sophie Hannah Mystery of Three Quarters: The New Hercule Poirot Mystery
Patrice Hannon Dear Jane Austen: A Heroine's Guide to Life and Love
Jeffrey Hantover The Jewel Trader of Pegu
Elizabeth Haran Staircase to the Moon
Georgina Harding The Gun Room
Kristin Harmel The Forest of Vanishing Stars
Kristin Harmel When We Meet Again
Karen Harper Mistress Shakespeare
Karen Harper Tidal Poole
Tom Harper Siege of Heaven
C. S. Harris When Gods Die: A Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery
C. S. Harris Why Mermaids Sing: A Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery
Joanne Harris Holy Fools
Robert Harris Pompeii
Robert Harris Precipice
Tessa Harris The Dead Shall Not Rest
Kathryn Harrison Enchantments: A Novel
Kathryn Harrison The Seal Wife