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Madeleine E. Robins Petty Treason: A Sarah Tolerance Mystery
Madeleine E. Robins Point of Honour
Lynda S. Robinson Slayer of Gods
Maggie Robinson Nobody's Sweetheart Now: The First Lady Adelaide Mystery
Marilynne Robinson Home
Peter Robinson Before the Poison
Roxana Robinson Dawson's Fall
Jennifer Robson Somewhere in France: A Novel of the Great War
Caroline Roe Remedy for Treason
Anthony Rolls Family Matters
Andromeda Romano-Lax The Spanish Bow
David Rose Godiva
Liza Pearl Rosenbaum A Day of Small Beginnings
Charles Rosenberg The Trial and Execution of the Traitor George Washington
Joel N. Ross Double Cross Blind
Joel N. Ross White Flag Down
John Rowland Calamity in Kent: A British Library Crime Classic
Laura Joh Rowland Red Chrysanthemum
Laura Joh Rowland The Snow Empress