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Rupert Holmes Swing: A Mystery
Bruce Holsinger The Invention of Fire
Ellen Horan 31 Bond Street: A Novel of Murder, Innocence, and Power in New York City
Nancy Horan Loving Frank
Nancy Horan Under the Wide and Starry Sky
Sydney Horler The Traitor
Dara Horn All Other Nights
Simonetta Agnello Hornby The Marchesa
Sara Houghteling Pictures at an Exhibition
Leslie Howard The Brideship Wife
Don Hudson Gunpowder Girl and the Outlaw Squaw
Richard Hull The Murder of My Aunt
Virginia Hume Haven Point
Andrew Hunt A Killing in Zion: An Art Oveson Mystery
Jessie Pritchard Hunter The Green Muse: An Edouard Mas Novel
Catherine Ryan Hyde Say Goodbye for Now
Isabel Ibaņez What the River Knows
Ed Ifkovic Cafe Europa: An Edna Ferber Mystery
Ed Ifkovic Cold Morning: An Edna Ferber Mystery
Ed Ifkovic Downtown Strut: An Edna Ferber Mystery
Ed Ifkovic Escape Artist: An Edna Ferber Mystery
Ed Ifkovic Final Curtain: An Edna Ferber Mystery
Ed Ifkovic Mood Indigo: An Edna Ferber Mystery
Ed Ifkovic Old News: An Edna Ferber Mystery
Ed Ifkovic Run Cold: An Edna Ferber Mystery