A unique mix of old-school and modern genre fiction. (RM)
Arthur Slade
Laurel Leaf, 2004 (2003)
Hardcover, Paperback
Mystery, mysticism, and the reality of the power of evil and human complicity in it. (JL)
Arthur Slade
Jolted: Newton Starker's Rules for Survival
Wendy Lamb Books, 2009 (2008)
Newton Starker has never had a friend. His mother discouraged friendships because being in close proximity to a Starker is dangerous. (LS)
Arthur Slade
Megiddo's Shadow
Wendy Lamb Books, 2006 (2006)
After learning of his brother's death in WW I France, 16-year-old Edward Bath leaves the family farm in Canada to enlist in England, and experiences the horrors of war first-hand. (JL)