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* * Tara Bray Smith Betwixt US Orders
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Review Little, Brown & Co., 2007 (2007) Hardcover
A compelling yet confusing dark fantasy for young adults. (RM)

* * Daria Snadowsky Anatomy of a Boyfriend US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Delacorte, 2008 (2007) Hardcover, Softcover, e-Book
Dominique doesn't know much about love, but jumps right in, giving her heart and soul. (LS)

* * Lemony Snicket The End: A Series of Unfortunate Events US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt HarperCollins, 2006 (2006) Hardcover, Audio, CD
In this 13th in the series, Baudelaire children and Count Olaf come aground on a strip of land, and then meet inhabitants of a nearby island. (AH)

* * * Lemony Snicket A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning US Orders
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Excerpt HarperCollins, 1999 (1999) Hardcover
An extremely unpleasant book that tells the unhappy tale of 3 very unlucky children - Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire. They are orphaned and sent to live with vile Count Olaf, who plots to control their fortune. This is very, very funny! (HW)