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* * Jenna Solitaire Keeper of the Earth: Daughter of Destiny US Orders
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Review Tor, 2006 (2006) Paperback
This 4th in the series takes Jenna and Simon to the Vatican, the Scottish Highlands and Stonehenge in search of the Board of the Earth(HW)

* * Jenna Solitaire Keeper of the Flames: Daughter of Destiny US Orders
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Review Tor, 2006 (2006) Paperback
This is the 3rd in a series, starring 19-year-old Jenna Solitaire - accompanied by priest guardian Simon Monk, she seeks the Board of the Flames in Pompeii. (HW)

* * * Justin Somper Allies & Assassins US Orders
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Review Little, Brown & Co., 2015 (2015) Hardcover, e-Book
A unique YA blend of fantasy and mystery. (RM)

* * Justin Somper Vampirates: Demons of the Ocean US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Little, Brown & Co., 2006 (2006) Hardcover
Twins Grace and Connor Tempest flee their lighthouse home after their father's death, are lost at sea, and taken aboard different ships - Connor learns to be a pirate, while Grace must survive amongst vampirates(HW)