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* * * Robert Sharenow My Mother the Cheerleader US Orders
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Review Laura Geringer, 2007 (2007) Hardcover
Thirteen-year-old Louise’s education comes to a halt in 1960 when she is pulled out of school in protest of a court ordered integration. (LS)

* * Judy Shasek & Wendy Anderson Schulz E-Wally and the Quest US Orders
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Review Net Works, 2001 (2001) Paperback
This 1st in the adventures of E-Wally sends him on quest to save his grandpa - he meets the human boy Justin, who struggles with a dinosaur assignment. (HW)

* * * Tucker Shaw Flavor of the Week US Orders
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Review Hyperion, 2003 (2003) Hardcover
An overweight high school chef in a romantic triangle with his best friend Nick and Rose, the love of his life. (KS)

* Pauline Francis Shee Jane Eyre: Essential Classics US Orders
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Review Evans, 2014 (2014) Softcover
As with the other novels in the series, this retelling of Jane Eyre is pretty much cut down to a bare bones presentation. (BW)