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* * * James Stevenson Candy Corn US Orders
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Review Greenwillow, 1999 Hardcover
Another collection of delectably whimsical watercolors and verse, including evocations of the beauty of springtime. (HW)

* * * James Stevenson Corn Chowder: Poems US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Greenwillow, 2003 (2003) Hardcover
A combination of poetry and philosophy, sketches and graphic art, that reflect the curiosity of childhood. (HW)

* * * James Stevenson Corn-Fed US Orders
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Review Greenwillow, 2002 Hardcover
Look at the world through James Stevenson's eyes and verse; it's a whole new experience. (HW)

* * * James Stevenson Cornflakes US Orders
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Review Greenwillow, 2000 (2000) Hardcover
Presents lovely perspectives on what would otherwise be urban ugliness. (HW)

* * * James Stevenson Popcorn US Orders
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Review Greenwillow, 1998 (1998) Hardcover
Looks behind everyday things and shows us their history, presents glimpses of nature and moments when feelings are strong. (HW)