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* * John Snyder The Golden Ring: A Christmas Story US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Warner, 2001 (1999) Hardcover
An old-fashioned story, mixing the simple joys of Christmas past, with Christian beliefs and spirituality, a touch of magic, and an emphasis on family and the true meaning of the holiday. (HW)

* * * Zilpha Keatley Snyder The Ghosts of Rathburn Park US Orders
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Review Yearling, 2008 (2002) Hardcover
A tantalizingly playful and entertaining tale, filled with mystery and suspense. (JL)

* * Zilpha Keatley Snyder Libby on Wednesday US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Yearling, 1991 (1990) Hardcover, Softcover
Previously homeschooled, 11-year-old Libby McCall enters public school for the socialization that Mom considers an important part of education. (JL)

* * * Alexandra Sokoloff The Harrowing US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt St. Martin's, 2006 (2006) Hardcover
Robyn never expects to get to know her unlikely companions, much less to become fond of them, but the long stormy weekend binds them together against a sixth presence at Mendenhall. (LS)