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Jennifer Ryan The Chilbury Ladies' Choir
Jennifer Ryan The Kitchen Front
Jennifer Ryan The Spies of Shilling Lane
Jennifer Ryan The Wedding Dress Sewing Circle
Shan Sa Alexander & Alestria
Rafael Sabatini Bellarion
Cecilia Samartin Broken Paradise
Melissa Sanders-Self All That Lives: A Novel of the Bell Witch
C. J. Sansom Dissolution: A Novel of Tudor England
C. J. Sansom Revelation: A Matthew Shardlake Mystery
C. J. Sansom Tombland
C. J. Sansom Winter in Madrid
Elena Santangelo Poison to Purge Melancholy: A Pat Montello Mystery
Eduardo Santiago Tomorrow They Will Kiss
Kate Saunders The Mystery of the Sorrowful Maiden: Laetitia Rodd #3
Dorothy L. Sayers Unnatural Death: A Lord Peter Wimsey Mystery
Dorothy L. Sayers Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club: A Peter Wimsey Mystery
Dorothy L. Sayers Whose Body?: A Lord Peter Wimsey Mystery
Steven Saylor Dominus
Steven Saylor The Triumph of Caesar: A Novel of Ancient Rome