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* * Tom Pomplun Native American Classics: Graphic Classics #24 US Orders
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Review Eureka Productions, 2013 (2013) Softcover
A nice collection of oft overlooked literature. (RM)

* * Tom Pomplun Rafael Sabatini: Graphic Classics Vol. 13 US Orders
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Review Eureka Productions, 2006 (2006) Softcover
This graphic art volume includes adaptations of many short stories by Rafael Sabatini, as well as of his famous novel Captain Blood(HW)

* * * Tom Pomplun Western Classics: Graphic Classics Volume 20 US Orders
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Review Eureka Productions, 2011 (2011) Softcover
This graphic novel is a wonderful way to sample the Western genre. (RM)

* * Judith Porter Coco Twain Tells the Truth US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt PublishAmerica, 2005 (2005) Paperback
A light-hearted coming-of-age novel. (RM)