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* * Leslie Pockell The Best Poems of All Time Part 1 US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Warner, 2001 (2001) Audio
Sit back and listen to many of the best of early verse. From the Iliad to Khayyam, Shakespeare and the Brownings, audio brings a new dimension in understanding. (HW)

* * * Leslie Pockell The Best Poems of All Time Part 2 US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Warner, 2001 (2001) Audio
A dozen readers with a variety in styles of interpretation of almost 50 verses by renowned poets from the 1850s to the present; Walt Whitman to Maya Angelou. (HW)

* * Point of Grace Make it Real: Words, Worth, Relationships, And Me US Orders
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Review Howard, 2005 (2005) Paperback
A devotional bible study designed especially for young women. (AH)

* * * Sara Polsky This is How I Find Her US Orders
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Review Albert Whitman, 2013 (2013) Hardcover
As the only child of a single mother with bipolar disorder, Sophie Cannon's life revolves around her mother's moods and medication regimen, leaving her no time for friends or a social life. (LS)