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* * James Patterson School's Out - Forever: Maximum Ride #2 US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Little, Brown & Co., 2006 (2006) Hardcover, CD
This 2nd in the series gives the bird children a taste of normal life (and school) before hitting them with an explosive 'date with destiny'. (HW)

* * * Dominique Paul The Possibility of Fireflies US Orders
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Review Pulse, 2007 (2006) Hardcover, Paperback
Leo shows Ellie that no other person can save you – that is something that you have to do for yourself, and one terrible night that is exactly what Ellie sets out to do. (SS)

* * Donita K. Paul Dragonspell US Orders
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Review WaterBrook Press, 2004 (2004) Paperback
A delightful allegorical epic fantasy for all ages. (RM)

* * Kimberly Pauley Still Sucks to Be Me: The All-true Confessions of Mina Smith, Teen Vampire US Orders
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Review Mirrorstone, 2010 (2010) Hardcover, e-Book
Although the vampire council used a fatal car accident to move Mina's family to Louisiana, Mina has no intention of abandoning her best friend Serena without an explanation. (LS)