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* * Matthew McGough Bat Boy: Coming of Age with the New York Yankees US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Anchor, 2007 (2005) Hardcover, Softcover, Audio, CD, e-Book
Chronicles McGough's 2 years at Yankee Stadium, fulfilling his dreams and learning important life lessons along the way. (KS)

* * Jennifer McGowan Maid of Secrets: Maids of Honor US Orders
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Review Simon & Schuster, 2014 (2014) Hardcover, e-Book
In Elizabethan England, Meg Fellowes, a pick-pocketing orphaned teenager, is enlisted in the Maids of Honor, a small group of remarkably skilled ladies charged with protecting the Queen and her secrets. (JM)

* * * Jay McGraw The Ultimate Weight Solution for Teens: The 7 Keys to Weight Freedom US Orders
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Review Free Press, 2003 (2003) Softcover, CD
Seven keys to help make lifestyle changes in order to manage your weight. (MP)

* * Don McGregor & Sidney Lima Scars!: Zorro #1 US Orders
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Review Nantier Beall Minoustchine, 2005 (2005) Hardcover, Softcover
Follows the masked avenger as he and a rescued barmaid named Eulalia Bandini travel the western lands of Central and North America. (LE)