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* * * Akino Matsuri Pet Shop of Horrors Tokyo: Volume 1 US Orders
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Review TOKYOPOP, 2008 (2008) Paperback
A sequel series that is almost as good as the first. (RM)

* * * Kou Matsuzuki Happy Café: Volume 1 US Orders
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Review TOKYOPOP, 2009 (2009) Paperback
This cute, feel-good manga takes place in Café Bonheur, known for its amazingly delicious desserts. (RM)

* * * L. S. Matthews The Outcasts US Orders
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Review Delacorte, 2007 (2007) Hardcover
A flawless story starring 5 misfits making discoveries about themselves and each other, while tossing and turning in otherworldly predicaments. (JL)

* * Rachel Maude The Good, the Fab and the Ugly: Poseur US Orders
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Review Poppy, 2008 (2008) Softcover
The 2nd book in a fashion-forward clique lit series. (RM)

* * Rachel Maude Poseur US Orders
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Review Poppy, 2008 (2008) Softcover
A fun, light read full for older teens who love fashion. (RM)